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Sault Ste. Marie, ON






Gabriela is an Indigenous person originally from Venezuela, who claimed refugee status in the US, and has been living in Sault Ste. Marie since 2020. Gabriela’s husband is a First Nations person, whose family lives in the Thessalon First Nations Reserve (100km away from the city).

“I enjoy doing things outdoors and would go to the reserve a lot to feel connected to Venezuela.”


I have always enjoyed the outdoors and being in nature. On the left, is a waterfall in Venezuela, at Los Aguacate, Carabobo State, and on the right, is a lake on the Thessalon First Nation Reserve. I’ve always enjoyed being in nature and the walking trails. I felt that the water at Thessalon was similar to Venezuela. It felt amazing. I enjoy doing things outdoors and would go to the reserve a lot to feel connected to Venezuela, relating through the weather.

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