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St.Thomas, ON






Originally from Liberia as an architect, Francis landed in Canada in 2020 as a refugee.

Back home I ran an architectural firm that was ranked one of the best in Liberia. But my credentials are not recognized here and I cannot do the things that I’m passionate about. I always feel broken by this.


An Architect's View

Neighbourhood & Home

In September 2020, I saw all the leaves changing colors. That was so unique. I thought only in pictures and books that I could see those things. This tree has no leaves right now but imagine It will grow back and flourish more than ever before, just like the other trees that I captured on a hot sunny day. The trees and grass are growing so perfectly and flourishing better now.

Sense of Community

Car show: 

Where I’m from, I have not seen old cars such as these. I love to see old things. This car show showcased over 200 vintage cars from 1935-1979. It is a moment of WOW! During this event, many residents came together and I was able to have conversations with locals. I felt that everyone was open minded and was able to connect through the cars. I’ve also shared pictures with friends back home.

The carnival brought together families and the community. I brought my son and family here. I remember how people complimented my wife’s red dress she wore on that day. It was a great moment. It was my first time to ride these rides, and I felt the adrenaline. It’s amazing to have families coming out after COVID and I was able to interact with different people. Most of the Black families took their kids there and I saw friends too. I felt happy to see and interact with others in the community.

Places to go

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